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@objcMembers public class HMSSDK: NSObject

The public interface of 100ms SDK. Create an instance of HMSSDK to start using the SDK. Key Concepts Room - A room represents a real-time audio, video session, the basic building block of the 100mslive Video SDK Track - A track represents either the audio or video that makes up a stream Peer - A peer represents all participants connected to a room. Peers can be "local" or "remote" Broadcast - A local peer can send any message/data to all remote peers in the room HMSSDK has other methods which the client app can use to get more info about the Room, Peer and Tracks



public var localPeer: HMSLocalPeer?

Returns the local peer, which contains the local tracks.


public var remotePeers: [HMSRemotePeer]?

Returns all remote peers in the room.


public var roles: [HMSRole]

Returns all roles in the room.


public var room: HMSRoom?

Returns the room which was joined.


public var trackSettings: HMSTrackSettings = HMSTrackSettings()

Use to override track settings coming from role policy


public var analyticsLevel: HMSAnalyticsEventLevel = .error

Sets the verbosity of analytics events


public weak var logger: HMSLogger?

Sets the logger instance to use for piping logs



public static func build(block: ((HMSSDK) -> Void)? = nil) -> HMSSDK

this will instantiate an HMSSDK object

  • Parameter block: pass a block with different settings as required
  • Returns: an instance of HMSSDK object


blockpass a block with different settings as required


public func preview(config: HMSConfig, delegate: HMSPreviewListener)

Begin a preview so that the local peer's audio and video can be displayed to them before they join the room.

  • Parameters:
    • config: The config object instance which contains joining information.
    • delegate: The update listener object which will receive all callbacks.


configThe config object instance which contains joining information.
delegateThe update listener object which will receive all callbacks.


public func preview(role: HMSRole, completion: (([HMSTrack]?, HMSError?) -> Void))

Call this preview API any time after joining in case you need to show a preview for a certain role. i.e before doing/accepting a role change request.

  • Parameters:
    • role: The role that would be used for checking which tracks would be required.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when tracks are fetched or in case of an error.


roleThe role that would be used for checking which tracks would be required.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when tracks are fetched or in case of an error.


public func cancelPreview()

Call this API in case the tracks obtained via preview(role:) API are no longer needed. There is no need to call this if role change happened. Call this if user has decided not to change role to release camera/mic.


public func join(config: HMSConfig, delegate: HMSUpdateListener)

Join the room.

  • Parameters:
    • config: The config object instance which contains joining information.
    • delegate: The update listener object which will receive all callbacks,


configThe config object instance which contains joining information.
delegateThe update listener object which will receive all callbacks,


public func leave(_ completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Call the leave method on the HMSSDK instance to leave the current room.

  • Parameters:
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func sendBroadcastMessage(type: String = "chat", message: String, completion: ((HMSMessage?, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Sends a message to everyone in the room.

  • Parameters:
    • type: The type of message
    • message: Content of the message.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when message was sent, or when error happened during sending


typeThe type of message
messageContent of the message.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when message was sent, or when error happened during sending


public func sendGroupMessage(type: String = "chat", message: String, roles: [HMSRole], completion: ((HMSMessage?, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Sends a message to the specified roles defined. All peers that belong to the specified roles will receive the message.

  • Parameters:
    • type: The type of message
    • message: Content of the message.
    • roles: The list of roles to whom this message is directed.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when message was sent, or when error happened during sending


typeThe type of message
messageContent of the message.
rolesThe list of roles to whom this message is directed.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when message was sent, or when error happened during sending


public func sendDirectMessage(type: String = "chat", message: String, peer: HMSPeer, completion: ((HMSMessage?, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Sends a direct message to the specified peer only.

  • Parameters:
    • type: The type of message.
    • message: Content of the message.
    • peer: The peer to whom this message is directed.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when message was sent, or when error happened during sending


typeThe type of message.
messageContent of the message.
peerThe peer to whom this message is directed.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when message was sent, or when error happened during sending


public func changeRole(for peer: HMSPeer, to role: HMSRole, force: Bool = false, completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Requests a change of role for specified peer.

  • Parameters:
    • peer: The peer whose role should be changed.
    • role: The target role.
    • force: False if the peer should be prompted to accept the new role. true if their role should be changed without a prompt.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


peerThe peer whose role should be changed.
roleThe target role.
forceFalse if the peer should be prompted to accept the new role. true if their role should be changed without a prompt.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func changeRolesOfAllPeers(to role: HMSRole, limitToRoles:[HMSRole]? = nil, completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Requests a change of role for all peers except for the local peer.

  • Parameters:
    • role: The target role.
    • limitToRoles: If specified, only peers currently belonging to roles in the array will be changed to the new role.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


roleThe target role.
limitToRolesIf specified, only peers currently belonging to roles in the array will be changed to the new role.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func accept(changeRole request: HMSRoleChangeRequest, completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Call to accept the role change request sent to the current peer. Once this method is called, the peer's role will be changed to the requested one.

  • Parameters:
    • request The request that the SDK had sent to this peer (in HMSUpdateListener.onRoleChangeRequest).
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


request The request that the SDK had sent to this peer (in HMSUpdateListener.onRoleChangeRequest).
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func changeTrackState(for remoteTrack: HMSTrack, mute: Bool, completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

To change the mute status of a remote HMSTrack.

  • Parameters:
    • remoteTrack: The HMSTrack whose mute status needs to be changed.
    • mute: True if the track needs to be muted, false otherwise.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


remoteTrackThe HMSTrack whose mute status needs to be changed.
muteTrue if the track needs to be muted, false otherwise.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func changeTrackState(mute: Bool, for trackKind: HMSTrackKind? = nil, source: String? = nil, roles: [HMSRole]? = nil, completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

To change the mute status of multiple tracks of specific kinds for every peer or for peers with certain roles. Call changeTrackState(mute: true) to mute everybody's audio and video.

  • Parameters:
    • mute: True if the track needs to be muted, false otherwise.
    • trackKind: Pass an array of HMSTrackKind for change to apply to specific kind of tracks. Passing nil means all track kinds will be changed.
    • source: Pass a HMSTrackSource for change to apply to specific track source. Passing nil means all track sources will be changed.
    • roles: Pass an array of HMSRole for change to apply to specific roles. Passing nil means all roles will be changed.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


muteTrue if the track needs to be muted, false otherwise.
trackKindPass an array of HMSTrackKind for change to apply to specific kind of tracks. Passing nil means all track kinds will be changed.
sourcePass a HMSTrackSource for change to apply to specific track source. Passing nil means all track sources will be changed.
rolesPass an array of HMSRole for change to apply to specific roles. Passing nil means all roles will be changed.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func removePeer(_ peer: HMSPeer, reason: String, completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Removes the specified peer from the current room.

  • Parameters:
    • peer: The peer to remove
    • reason: The reason for removing can be passed on to the peer.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


peerThe peer to remove
reasonThe reason for removing can be passed on to the peer.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func endRoom(lock: Bool, reason: String, completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

End the room and make all participants leave.

  • Parameters:
    • lock: Whether rejoining the room should be disabled till the room is unlocked.
    • reason: The reason for ending the room can be passed on to other peers.
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


lockWhether rejoining the room should be disabled till the room is unlocked.
reasonThe reason for ending the room can be passed on to other peers.
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func startRTMPOrRecording(config: HMSRTMPConfig, completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Start RTMP stream and/or room recording.

  • Parameters:
    • config: RTMP/Recording parameters
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


configRTMP/Recording parameters
completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func stopRTMPAndRecording(completion: ((Bool, HMSError?) -> Void)? = nil)

Stop RTMP stream and room recording.

  • Parameters:
    • completion: The completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


completionThe completion handler to be invoked when the request succeeds or fails with an error.


public func add(delegate: HMSUpdateListener)

Adds another listener of SDK updates

  • Parameter delegate: the update listener object which will receive all callbacks


delegatethe update listener object which will receive all callbacks


public func remove(delegate: HMSUpdateListener)

Removes the listener of SDK updates

  • Parameter delegate: the update listener to remove


delegatethe update listener to remove


public func prepareForExternalAudioPlayback()


public func resumeAfterExternalAudioPlayback()


public func resumeAfterExternalAudioPlayback()