App Token 100ms client-side SDKs use App Tokens to authenticate a peer (participant) while joining a room . Generate this token on the server-side and make it available for your client-side apps that use the 100ms SDKs.
To create the App Token, use the app_access_key
and app_secret
from the developer section in your 100ms dashboard. room_id : This is the unique identifier for your room. You can get it from the rooms page in your dashboard or in the response payload of the create room server-side API .user_id : This identifier can be used to map a 100ms peer to your own internal user object for business logic. Specify your internal user identifier as the peer’s user_id. If not available, use any random string.Code sample: Generate app token Node.js Python Java Ruby PHP
var jwt = require ( 'jsonwebtoken' ) ;
var uuid4 = require ( 'uuid4' ) ;
var app_access_key = '<app_access_key>' ;
var app_secret = '<app_secret>' ;
var payload = {
access_key: app_access_key,
room_id: '<room_id>' ,
user_id: '<user_id>' ,
role: '<role>' ,
type: 'app' ,
version: 2 ,
iat: Math . floor ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 ) ,
nbf: Math . floor ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 )
} ;
jwt. sign (
algorithm: 'HS256' ,
expiresIn: '24h' ,
jwtid: uuid4 ( )
} ,
function ( err, token ) {
console . log ( token) ;
) ;
import jwt
import uuid
import datetime
import sys
app_access_key = "<app_access_key>"
app_secret = "<app_secret>"
def generate ( room_id, user_id, role) :
expires = expires or 24 * 3600
now = datetime. datetime. utcnow( )
exp = now+ datetime. timedelta( seconds= expires)
return jwt. encode( payload= {
"access_key" : app_access_key,
"type" : "app" ,
"version" : 2 ,
"room_id" : room_id,
"user_id" : user_id,
"role" : role,
"jti" : str ( uuid. uuid4( ) ) ,
"exp" : exp,
"iat" : now,
"nbf" : now,
} , key= app_secret)
if __name__ == "__main__" :
if len ( sys. argv) == 3 :
room_id = sys. argv[ 0 ]
user_id = sys. argv[ 1 ]
role = sys. argv[ 2 ]
print ( generate( room_id= room_id, user_id= user_id, role= role) )
import java. time. Instant ;
import java. util. Date ;
import java. util. HashMap ;
import java. util. Map ;
import java. util. UUID;
import io. jsonwebtoken. Jwts ;
import io. jsonwebtoken. SignatureAlgorithm ;
private void generateHmsClientToken ( ) {
Map < String , Object > payload = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
payload. put ( "access_key" , "<app_access_key>" ) ;
payload. put ( "room_id" , "<room_id>" ) ;
payload. put ( "user_id" , "<user_id>" ) ;
payload. put ( "role" , "<role>" ) ;
payload. put ( "type" , "app" ) ;
payload. put ( "version" , 2 ) ;
String token = Jwts . builder ( ) . setClaims ( payload) . setId ( UUID. randomUUID ( ) . toString ( ) )
. setExpiration ( new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + 86400 * 1000 ) )
. setIssuedAt ( Date . from ( Instant . ofEpochMilli ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - 60000 ) ) )
. setNotBefore ( new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) )
. signWith ( SignatureAlgorithm . HS256, "<app_secret>" . getBytes ( ) ) . compact ( ) ;
require 'jwt'
require 'securerandom'
$app_access_key = "<app_access_key>"
$app_secret = "app_secret"
def generateAppToken ( room_id, user_id, role)
now = Time . now
exp = now + 86400
payload = {
access_key: $app_access_key ,
room_id: room_id,
user_id: user_id,
role: role,
type: "app" ,
jti: SecureRandom . uuid,
version: 2 ,
iat: now. to_i,
nbf: now. to_i,
exp: exp. to_i
token = JWT . encode( payload, $app_secret , 'HS256' )
puts generateAppToken "<room_id>" , "<user_id>" , "<role>"
use Firebase\ JWT\ JWT ;
use Ramsey\ Uuid\ Uuid ;
$issuedAt = new DateTimeImmutable ( ) ;
$expire = $issuedAt -> modify ( '+24 hours' ) -> getTimestamp ( ) ;
$accessKey = "<app_access_key>" ;
$secret = "<app_secret>" ;
$version = 2 ;
$type = "app" ;
$role = "<role>" ;
$roomId = "<room_id>" ;
$userId = "<user_id>" ;
$payload = [
'iat' => $issuedAt -> getTimestamp ( ) ,
'nbf' => $issuedAt -> getTimestamp ( ) ,
'exp' => $expire ,
'access_key' => $accessKey ,
'type' => "app" ,
'jti' => Uuid:: uuid4 ( ) -> toString ( )
'version' => 2 ,
'role' => $role ,
'room_id' => $roomId ,
'user_id' => $userId
] ;
$token = JWT:: encode (
$payload ,
$secret ,
) ;
Your app key and secret carry many privileges, please ensure to keep them secure.
Management Token For setting up management tokens for server side API requests, please refer to the authentication guide in server-side API section.