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Release Notes

This Changelog highlights notable changes to the 100ms server-side API, such as API additions, improvements, and deprecations. Also, we've included developer experience improvements to this page to keep you on track with items that will enhance your integration journey.

October 06, 2022.


Developer experience

  • Simplified generation of management token within Postman collection -- we've added a pre-request script in our collection to help you generate the management token without creating a token management service at your end for testing. Refer to the Postman guide for more details.
  • As environment variables created some confusion, we've removed the environment from our Postman collection. We recommend you use the collection variables going forward. Refer to the Postman guide for more details.
  • Added the API reference documentation for legacy APIs(V1).

September 24, 2022.

Server update

  • The API is now available in the production environment, using the following base URL: https://api.100ms.live/v2/


API Improvements

  • RESTful adherence - params are now URL params and not query params.
  • Extended pagination for all endpoints -- We paginate the responses with a list of objects ranging from 10 to 100 to ensure they are easier to handle.

Developer experience

  • Virtual controlled Postman collection -- you can fork our Postman collection to stay up to date with the latest API improvements. This will enable you to get familiar with and interact more seamlessly with our product.
  • Detailed API reference -- We have improved our documentation, so it's easier to get started and stay up to date with the latest API improvements.


  • In the template object, the fields _id, and customer, supported with the Legacy API (V1), is deprecated. You can continue to use them as id and customer_id with the new API. Refer to the template object section for more information.
  • In the room object, the field template supported with the template name in the Legacy API (V1) will not be supported in the new API. Instead, you can use the template_id field.

Note: The Legacy API (V1) will remain fully functional. However, we recommend you use our new API to leverage the new functionalities and features and stay up to date with future releases; you can continue to check the docs for the Legacy API (V1)s here.