Templates and Roles
Note: The Legacy API (V1) will remain fully functional. However, we recommend you use our new API to leverage the new functionalities and features and stay up to date with future releases; you can continue to check the docs for the Legacy API (V1)s here.
Create Template API
curl 'https://prod-policy.100ms.live/policy/v1/templates' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{management_token}}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "name": "test-template", "default": true, "roles":{ "student": {}, "teacher": {}, "admin": {} } }'
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | A unique identifier you can assign to 100ms templates. Accepted characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and . - : _ . If not provided, this is generated automatically. Notes: (1) If create Template is called with an existing template name, then that template will be overwritten.(2) Providing template name will be helpful if you want to modify/delete the template using name. | No |
default | boolean | Whether this is default template for a customer. Default template for a customer is used when no template is provided in create Room api. | No |
roles | object | Map of {roleName:roleObject} . Some sane defaults are set for values that are not provided in the roles object. | No |
settings | object | Global settings for this template. | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
publishParams | object | Publish parameters for this role. | No |
subscribeParams | object | Subscribe parameters for this role. | No |
permissions | object | Permissions for this role. | No |
priority | int | Priority of the role for subscription/publishing. Range: 1 -10 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allowed | array | Allowed tracks. Subarray of [audio , video , screen ]. | No |
audio | object | Audio publish parameters. | No |
video | object | Video publish parameters. | No |
screen | object | Screenshare publish parameters. | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bitRate | int | Audio Max bitrate of audio track in kbps. Range: 16 -128 Default: 32 | No |
codec | string | Codec for the audio track. Options: [ opus ] Default: opus | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bitRate | int | Max bitrate of video track in kbps. Range: 30 -2000 Default: 256 | No |
codec | string | Codec for the video track. Options: [ vp8 ]Default: vp8 | No |
frameRate | int | Max number of video frames per second. Range: 1 -30 Default: 25 | No |
height | int | Height of the video track. Range: 50 -1080 Default: 180 | No |
width | int | Width of the video track. Range: 50 -1920 Default: 320 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
bitRate | int | Max bitrate of screen track in kbps. Range: >=500 Default: 1024 | No |
codec | string | Codec for the screen track. Options: [ vp8 ]Default: vp8 | No |
frameRate | int | Max number of screen frames per second Range: 1 -30 Default: 10 | No |
height | int | Height of the screen track. Range: 270 -1080 Default: 720 | No |
width | int | Width of the screen track. Range: 480 -1920 Default: 1280 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
maxSubsBitRate | int | Maximum bitrate (in kbps) that can subscribed. | No |
subscribeToRoles | array | List of roles which can be subscribed to. | No |
subscribeDegradation | object | Subscribe degradation parameters (adding this enables screen simulcast). | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
packetLossThreshold | int | Threshold for packet loss. Range: 1 -100 Default: 50 | No |
degradeGracePeriodSeconds | int | Degrade grace period (in seconds). Range: 1 -10 Default: 1 | No |
recoverGracePeriodSeconds | int | Recover grace period (in seconds). Range: 1 -10 Default: 4 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
endRoom | boolean | Permission to end room for all. | No |
removeOthers | boolean | Permission to remove others from the room. | No |
mute | boolean | Permission to request others to mute them. | No |
unmute | boolean | Permission to request others to unmute them. | No |
changeRole | boolean | Permission to request others to change their role. | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
region | string | Region in which the room will be hosted by default. Possible values could be in , us , eu or auto (automatic region selection). | No |
recording | object | Object of type recording . This object contains information for enabling recording/setting storage location for recordings. | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
enabled | boolean | Enable the SFU recording for its rooms. Disabled by default. | No |
upload | object | Object of type upload . This object contains information on recordings storage location. If you want to store recording with 100ms, and not use your own s3, don't add this to the object | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
type | string | Upload Destination type. Currently, only s3 is supported. | Yes |
location | string | Name of the AWS s3 bucket in which you want to store all recordings | Yes |
prefix | string | Upload prefix path | Yes |
options | object | Additional configurations of type Options to be used for uploading | No |
credentials | object | Object of type Credentials . This is used to share AWS credentials to access the s3 bucket specified. | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
region | string | Region of the AWS account hosting the s3 bucket. If not provided it is assumed to be ap-south-1 | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string | access key ID for the AWS account hosting the s3 bucket for storing recordings | Yes |
secret | string | secret access key for the AWS account hosting the s3 bucket for storing recordings | Yes |
Create/Modify Role API
curl 'https://prod-policy.100ms.live/policy/v1/templates/{{templateID}}/roles/{{roleName}}' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{management_token}}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "name": "listener3", "publishParams": { "allowed": [ "video", "screen", "audio" ], "audio": { "bitRate": 40, "codec": "opus" }, "video": { "bitRate": 400, "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 30, "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "screen": { "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 10, "width": 1920, "height": 1080 } }, "subscribeParams": { "subscribeToRoles": [ "speaker", "moderator", "new-role-9880" ], "maxSubsBitRate": 3200, "subscribeDegradation": {} }, "permissions": {}, "priority": 1 }'
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Required |
roleObject | object | Role object correspoding to the given role. | Yes |
name | string | Providing a name renames the role to the provided name. If role with same name already exists, it gives an overwrite error. | No |
Update Settings API
curl 'https://prod-policy.100ms.live/policy/v1/templates/{{templateID}}/settings' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{management_token}}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "region": "us" }'
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Required |
region | string | Region in which the room will be hosted by default - in , eu , us or auto . | No |
Get Templates API
curl 'https://prod-policy.100ms.live/policy/v1/templates?id={{templateID}}' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{management_token}}'
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Name of the template. | No |
id | string | ID of the template. | No |
start | string | Returned dataset is sorted by decreasing order of IDs. Provide the ID of the last result set to start in reverse order from there. | No |
limit | int | Number of templates to return (max 20 ). | No |
default | boolean | Whether template is default or not. | No |
Get Role API
curl 'https://prod-policy.100ms.live/policy/v1/templates/{{templateID}}/roles/{{roleName}}' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{management_token}}'
Get Settings API
curl 'https://prod-policy.100ms.live/policy/v1/templates/{{templateID}}/settings' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{management_token}}'
Modify Template API
curl 'https://prod-policy.100ms.live/policy/v1/templates?id={{templateID}}' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{management_token}}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "roles":{ "student":{ "name":"student", "publishParams":{ "allowed":[ "screen", "audio" ], "audio":{ "bitRate":42, "codec":"opus" }, "video":{ "bitRate":250, "codec":"vp8", "frameRate":30, "width":480, "height":270 }, "screen":{ "codec":"vp8", "frameRate":10, "width":1920, "height":1086 } }, "subscribeParams":{ "subscribeToRoles":[ "teacher", "student" ], "maxSubsBitRate":2000 }, "priority":1 } }, "settings":{ "region":"eu" } }'
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | If you don't provide the name , earlier provided name is used. Trying to modify a template's name to match another existing template's name produces overwrite error. | No |
default | boolean | Whether this is default template for customer. The default template for a customer is used when no template is provided in create room API. | No |
roles | object | Modified map of {roleName:roleObject} . Since this is a POST request, you need to provide the whole roles object to modify/persist/override it. | Yes |
settings | object | Modified settings. Since this is a POST request, you need to provide the whole settings object to modify/persist/override it. | Yes |
Delete Role API
curl 'https://prod-policy.100ms.live/policy/v1/templates/{{templateID}}/roles/{{roleName}}' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{management_token}}' -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json'