Create a template via API
This endpoint is used to create a template. A recommended way is to provide a list of roles with empty objects to get default values for various options corresponding to those roles, then update those roles by modifying them using create/update role API.
Understand sub-objects hierarchy
curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management_token>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "name": "new-template-{{$timestamp}}", "default": false, "roles": { "guest": { "name": "guest", "publishParams": { "allowed": [ "audio", "video", "screen" ], "audio": { "bitRate": 32, "codec": "opus" }, "video": { "bitRate": 300, "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 30, "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "screen": { "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 10, "width": 1920, "height": 1080 }, "videoSimulcastLayers": {}, "screenSimulcastLayers": {} }, "subscribeParams": { "subscribeToRoles": [ "host", "guest" ], "maxSubsBitRate": 3200, "subscribeDegradation": { "packetLossThreshold": 25, "degradeGracePeriodSeconds": 1, "recoverGracePeriodSeconds": 4 } }, "permissions": { "sendRoomState": false }, "priority": 1, "maxPeerCount": 0 }, "host": { "name": "host", "publishParams": { "allowed": [ "audio", "video", "screen" ], "audio": { "bitRate": 32, "codec": "opus" }, "video": { "bitRate": 300, "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 30, "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "screen": { "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 10, "width": 1920, "height": 1080 }, "videoSimulcastLayers": {}, "screenSimulcastLayers": {} }, "subscribeParams": { "subscribeToRoles": [ "guest", "host" ], "maxSubsBitRate": 3200, "subscribeDegradation": { "packetLossThreshold": 25, "degradeGracePeriodSeconds": 1, "recoverGracePeriodSeconds": 4 } }, "permissions": { "endRoom": true, "removeOthers": true, "mute": true, "unmute": true, "changeRole": true, "sendRoomState": false }, "priority": 1, "maxPeerCount": 0 } }, "settings": { "region": "in", "subscribeDegradation": {}, "recording": { "enabled": true, "upload": { "type": "s3", "location": "<Name of the AWS s3 bucket>", "prefix": "<Upload prefix path>", "options": { "region": "<region of the s3 bucket>" }, "credentials": { "key": "<access key ID for the AWS account/S3 bucket>", "secretKey": "<secret access key for the AWS account/S3 bucket>" } } }, "screenSimulcastLayers": {}, "videoSimulcastLayers": {}, "roomState": { "messageInterval": 5, "sendPeerList": false, "stopRoomStateOnJoin": true, "enabled": false } }, "destinations": { "browserRecordings": { "test": { "name": "test", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "maxDuration": 1800, "thumbnails": { "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "presignDuration": 3600 } }, "rtmpDestinations": { "test": { "name": "test", "width": 1080, "height": 1920, "maxDuration": 1800, "rtmpUrls": [ "url", "ashdas", "ddsfsdf" ], "recordingEnabled": true } }, "hlsDestinations": { "test": { "name": "test", "maxDuration": 28800, "layers": [ { "width": 1080, "height": 720, "videoBitrate": 1100, "audioBitrate": 32 }, { "width": 720, "height": 720, "videoBitrate": 600 }, {} ], "playlistType": "event", "numPlaylistSegments": 12, "videoFrameRate": 25, "enableMetadataInsertion": true, "enableStaticUrl": true, "recording": { "hlsVod": true, "singleFilePerLayer": true, "layers": [ { "width": 720, "height": 1920, "videoBitrate": 2000, "audioBitrate": 64 } ], "thumbnails": { "enabled": true, "width": 720, "height": 1920, "offsets": [ 2 ], "fps": 60 }, "presignDuration": 604800 } } } } }'
Status: 200 OK
{ "id": "6324661c4da877930beaecaa", "name": "new-template-1663329820", "customerId": "627cda54ff688c037a39291b", "roles": { "guest": { "name": "guest", "publishParams": { "allowed": ["audio", "video", "screen"], "audio": { "bitRate": 32, "codec": "opus" }, "video": { "bitRate": 300, "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 30, "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "screen": { "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 10, "width": 1920, "height": 1080 }, "videoSimulcastLayers": {}, "screenSimulcastLayers": {} }, "subscribeParams": { "subscribeToRoles": ["host", "guest"], "maxSubsBitRate": 3200, "subscribeDegradation": { "packetLossThreshold": 25, "degradeGracePeriodSeconds": 1, "recoverGracePeriodSeconds": 4 } }, "permissions": { "rtmpStreaming": true, "hlsStreaming": true, "browserRecording": true, "sendRoomState": false }, "priority": 1, "maxPeerCount": 0 }, "host": { "name": "host", "publishParams": { "allowed": ["audio", "video", "screen"], "audio": { "bitRate": 32, "codec": "opus" }, "video": { "bitRate": 300, "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 30, "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "screen": { "codec": "vp8", "frameRate": 10, "width": 1920, "height": 1080 }, "videoSimulcastLayers": {}, "screenSimulcastLayers": {} }, "subscribeParams": { "subscribeToRoles": ["guest", "host"], "maxSubsBitRate": 3200, "subscribeDegradation": { "packetLossThreshold": 25, "degradeGracePeriodSeconds": 1, "recoverGracePeriodSeconds": 4 } }, "permissions": { "endRoom": true, "removeOthers": true, "mute": true, "unmute": true, "changeRole": true, "rtmpStreaming": true, "hlsStreaming": true, "browserRecording": true, "sendRoomState": false }, "priority": 1, "maxPeerCount": 0 } }, "settings": { "region": "in", "subscribeDegradation": {}, "recording": { "enabled": true, "upload": { "location": "<Name of the AWS s3 bucket>", "type": "s3", "prefix": "<Upload prefix path>", "credentials": { "key": "<access key ID for the AWS account/S3 bucket>", "secretKey": "<secret access key for the AWS account/S3 bucket>" }, "options": { "region": "<region of the s3 bucket>" } } }, "roomState": { "messageInterval": 5, "sendPeerList": false, "stopRoomStateOnJoin": true, "enabled": false }, "retry": {} }, "destinations": { "browserRecordings": { "test": { "name": "test", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "maxDuration": 1800, "thumbnails": { "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "presignDuration": 3600 } }, "rtmpDestinations": { "test": { "name": "test", "width": 1080, "height": 1920, "maxDuration": 1800, "rtmpUrls": ["url", "ashdas", "ddsfsdf"], "recordingEnabled": true } }, "hlsDestinations": { "test": { "name": "test", "maxDuration": 28800, "layers": [ { "width": 1080, "height": 720, "videoBitrate": 1100, "audioBitrate": 32 }, { "width": 720, "height": 720, "videoBitrate": 600 }, {} ], "playlistType": "event", "numPlaylistSegments": 12, "videoFrameRate": 25, "enableMetadataInsertion": true, "enableStaticUrl": true, "recording": { "hlsVod": true, "singleFilePerLayer": true, "layers": [ { "width": 720, "height": 1920, "videoBitrate": 2000, "audioBitrate": 64 } ], "thumbnails": { "enabled": true, "width": 720, "height": 1920, "offsets": [2], "fps": 60 }, "presignDuration": 604800 } } } }, "createdAt": "2022-09-16T12:03:40.068Z", "updatedAt": "2022-09-16T12:03:40.068Z", "_id": "6324661c4da877930beaecaa", "customer": "627cda54ff688c037a39291b" }
Main arguments
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | A unique identifier you can assign to 100ms templates. Accepted characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and . - : _ . If not provided, this is generated automatically. Notes: If create Template is called with an existing template name, then that template will be overwritten. | No |
default | boolean | Whether this is default template for a customer. Default template for a customer is used when no template is provided in create room API. | No |
roles | object | Map of {roleName:roleObject} . Some sane defaults are set for values that are not provided in the roles object. | No |
settings | object | Global settings for this template. | No |
destinations | object | Object of type destinations . This object contains information for enabling/configuring features like browserRecordings , rtmpDestinations , & hlsDestinations . | No |
roles object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Alias for the role associated with a particular template. | No |
publishParams | object | Publish parameters for this role. Object of type publishParams with the collection of objects such as allowed , audio , video , screen , etc | No |
subscribeParams | object | Subscribe parameters for this role. Object of type subscribeParams with a mix of arguments and objects like subscribeToRoles , maxSubsBitRate , & subscribeDegradation | No |
permissions | object | Permissions for this role. Object of type permission with collection of objects like browserRecordings , rtmpDestinations , & hlsDestinations . | No |
priority | int | Priority of the role for subscribing/publishing. Priority will determine the order in which the roles will be degraded. A lower number represents a higher priority. | No |
publishParams object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
allowed | array | Allowed tracks. Subarray of [audio , video , screen ]. | No |
audio | object | Audio publish parameters. | No |
video | object | Video publish parameters. | No |
screen | object | Screenshare publish parameters. | No |
audio object
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required |
bitRate | int | Audio Max bitrate of audio track in kbps. Range: 16 -128 | 32 | No |
codec | string | Codec for the audio track. Options: [ opus ] | opus | No |
video object
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required |
bitRate | int | Max bitrate of video track in kbps. Range: 30 -2000 | 256 | No |
codec | string | Codec for the video track. Options: [ vp8 ] | vp8 | No |
frameRate | int | Max number of video frames per second. Range: 1 -30 | 25 | No |
height | int | Height of the video track. Range: 50 -1080 | 180 | No |
width | int | Width of the video track. Range: 50 -1920 | 320 | No |
screen object
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required |
bitRate | int | Max bitrate of screen track in kbps. Range: >=500 ` | 1024 | No |
codec | string | Codec for the screen track. Options: [ vp8 ] | vp8 | No |
frameRate | int | Max number of screen frames per second Range: 1 -30 | 10 | No |
height | int | Height of the screen track. Range: 270 -1080 | 720 | No |
width | int | Width of the screen track. Range: 480 -1920 | 1280 | No |
subscribeParams object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
maxSubsBitRate | int | Maximum bitrate (in kbps) that can subscribed. | No |
subscribeToRoles | array | List of roles which can be subscribed to. | No |
subscribeDegradation | object | Subscribe degradation parameters (adding this enables screen simulcast). | No |
subscribeDegradation object
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required |
packetLossThreshold | int | Threshold for packet loss. Range: 1 -100 | 50 | No |
degradeGracePeriodSeconds | int | Degrade grace period (in seconds). Range: 1 -10 | 1 | No |
recoverGracePeriodSeconds | int | Recover grace period (in seconds). Range: 1 -10 | 4 | No |
permissions object
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
endRoom | boolean | Permission to end room for all. | No | false |
removeOthers | boolean | Permission to remove others from the room. | No | false |
mute | boolean | Permission to request others to mute them. | No | false |
unmute | boolean | Permission to request others to unmute them. | No | false |
changeRole | boolean | Permission to request others to change their role. | No | false |
sendRoomState | boolean | Permission to receive room state like peer-count and peer-list | No | false |
browserRecording | boolean | Permission to start/stop browser (beam) recording. This is also required to start/stop RTMP + browser recording in conjunction with rtmpStreaming permissions. | No | true |
rtmpStreaming | boolean | Permission to start/stop RTMP streaming. This is also required to start/stop RTMP + browser recording in conjunction with browserRecording permissions. | No | true |
hlsStreaming | boolean | Permission to start/stop HLS streaming (with or without recording). This is also required to - pause/unpause HLS recording or insert metadata in HLS stream. | No | true |
settings object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
region | string | Region in which the room will be hosted by default. Possible values could be in , us , eu or auto (automatic region selection). | No |
recording | object | Object of type recording . This object contains information for enabling recording/setting storage location for recordings. | No |
roomState | object | Object of type roomState . This object will help you to define strategy of sending state updates to client SDKs. Also, enables you to build a "preview" screen which shows the state of the room before joining by providing the list of peers | No |
recording object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
enabled | boolean | Enable the SFU recording for its rooms. Disabled by default. | No |
upload | object | Object of type upload . This object contains information on recordings storage location. If you want to store recording with 100ms, and not use your own s3, don't add this to the object | No |
upload object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
type | string | Upload destination type. Currently, only s3 is supported. | Yes |
location | string | Name of the AWS s3 bucket in which you want to store all recordings | Yes |
prefix | string | Upload prefix path | Yes |
options | object | Additional configurations of type Options to be used for uploading | No |
credentials | object | Object of type credentials . This is used to share AWS credentials to access the s3 bucket specified. | No |
options object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
region | string | Region of the AWS account hosting the s3 bucket. If not provided it is assumed to be ap-south-1 | No |
credentials object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string | access key ID for the AWS account hosting the s3 bucket for storing recordings | Yes |
secretKey | string | secret access key for the AWS account hosting the s3 bucket for storing recordings | Yes |
roomState object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
messageInterval | int | Room-state data will be sent over a regular interval of these many seconds. Consequently, the room state displayed on the preview screen will refresh accordingly. This value must be a multiple of 5, between 5 and 3600 seconds, both inclusive. | No |
sendPeerList | boolean | Enabling this will send peer-list info of the room. If disabled, only the peer count is sent. | No |
enabled | boolean | This is the list of all the roles which will get the room-state data. You can also individually toggle these settings in the Roles tab under the Permissions section. | No |
destinations object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
browserRecordings | object | Object of type browserRecordings . This can be used to record your sessions to a file, for subsequent access. | No |
rtmpDestinations | object | Object of type rtmpDestinations . This can be used to live stream your video conferencing apps to platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, MUX, etc. | No |
hlsDestinations | object | Object of type hlsDestinations . This can be used to configure arguments for your HLS live streaming | No |
browserRecordings object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | The name you can assign to identify the browser recording | No |
width | int | Indicates the width of the screen to be recorded in pixels. For example, 1280 pixels | No |
height | int | Indicates the height of the screen to be recorded in pixels. For example, 720 pixels | No |
maxDuration | int | Sets the maximum duration, in seconds, of the recording. For example, 1800 seconds(30 mins) | No |
thumbnails | object | Object of type thumbnails . This can be used to configure thumbnail's dimension | No |
presignDuration | int | Indicates the expiry of the pre-signed URLs—the duration for which the pre-signed URL should be signed. | No |
rtmpDestinations object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | The name you can assign to identify the RTMP destination | No |
width | int | Indicates the width of the screen to be recorded in pixels. For example, 1280 pixels | No |
height | int | Indicates the height of the screen to be recorded in pixels. For example, 720 pixels | No |
maxDuration | int | Sets the maximum duration, in seconds, of the recording. For example, 1800 seconds(30 mins) | No |
rtmpUrls | object | Object of type rtmpUrls . This can be used to configure the RTMP URLs(max 3) you wish to broadcast the stream to. | No |
recordingEnabled | boolean | If recording is required this can be set as true. This value has no effect on streaming. | No |
hlsDestinations object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | The name you can assign to identify the HLS destination | No |
maxDuration | int | Sets the maximum duration, in seconds, of the recording. For example, 1800 seconds(30 mins) | No |
layers | object | Object of type layers . This can be used to configure the various dimensions to be supported for HLS streaming. | No |
playlistType | string | Indicates the type of playlist. Can be of type event or live . | No |
numPlaylistSegments | int | Indicates the number of media segments in the playlist. Applicable only for live playlistType. Min/max/default = 3/12/5. | No |
videoFrameRate | int | Set this argument to configure the frames per second (or FPS) for your stream. For example, 25 | No |
enableMetadataInsertion | boolean | Set this to true to enable metadata insertion along with the stream. | No |
enableStaticUrl | boolean | If recording is required this can be set as true. This value has no effect on streaming. | No |
recording | object | Object of type recording . This can be used to enable HLS recording and configure the layers, thumbnails, etc. | No |
HLS - recording object
Name | Type | Description | Required |
hlsVod | boolean | The name you can assign to identify the HLS destination | No |
singleFilePerLayer | boolean | Sets the maximum duration, in seconds, of the recording. For example, 1800 seconds(30 mins) | No |
layers | object | Object of type layers . This can be used to configure the various dimensions to be supported for HLS recording. | No |
thumbnails | object | Object of type thumbnails . This can be used to configure thumbnail's dimension | No |
presignDuration | int | Indicates the expiry of the pre-signed URLs—the duration for which the pre-signed URL should be signed. | No |